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Why do I need to register on the site for the race?


Registration on our site is mandatory, as through this, all communication with race participation applicants and race participants will be handled, at later stages, declare any health/medication/nutrition information essential for the safety of the athlete that must be taken into account by race organizers and exchange any other informative or essential information among the parties involved.

Registration is considered complete upon payment, available by credit card or bank deposit.

For the moment only the two packages for both Ultra Marathons are available.

Ιn the coming months additional packages regarding transportation and accommodation will be added for those who wish as well as packages for personal escort and support.

How can I register for participating one of the races?


Please read our Terms & Conditions of Participation to confirm that you are eligible to participate in our Races.

The Official Registration Period for "Heyday Road" event opens approximately 4 months before the race date. For 2023, Registrations will automatically close once the participation limit per race is met or on July 28th at the latest. All pre-registrations and confirmed registrations are submitted online.

You can choose the race and your preferred registration level and proceed with online registration.

How can I pay the race participation fee?


Instructions on race participation fee payment can be found in the designated area of our web site, here


What is the cancellation policy?


Please read our cancellation policy presented the designated area of our web site.

What happens in case of cancellation of the Event Due to reasons of force majeure?


In the case that the 2025 “Heyday Road” event is cancelled from any decision of the Official Authorities / reason of force majeure, the registration of each runner will automatically be transferred/deferred to the next Heyday Road event and the participation will follow the general terms & regulations of the new event. The same process will apply to the excessive number of runners, in case the number of participants is reduced by a decision of the Greek State, region or municipality, and the participants will be determined in terms of registration priority order.

You can read in detail the Cancellation Policy of the event.

How many registration stages exist for heydayroad event?


There are currently two registration stages for the Heyday Road event:

  • The first registration stage (also called pre-registration) refers to the creation of a user account and athlete profile on our web site. The stage is currently open and can be executed by the designated site area.
  • The second registration stage is the payment stage, where you use your previously created account on the web site, to pick one of the offered races by Heyday Road and deposit the corresponding fee via one of the offered options (see Payments section of the web site).

NOTE: Currently electronic payments are not open. Relevant information will be timely provided to registered athletes.

I have not received the race participation confirmation message (email), what should I do? 


The registration confirmation emails are sent within five (5) business days after you have successfully submitted and settled your registration fee as per instructions (read above in “How can I pay?”) 

After the five (5) days have passed and you still have not received it: 

1. Check your spam folder in case the e-mail bounced there 

2. If you still have not found it, make sure you have followed ALL the payment instructions 

3. If you have settled your registration fee as per instructions, and still have not received the email, contact us at: info [at] heydayroad [dot] org, or use our web site contact form.

I have not received the user registration confirmation message (email), what should I do?


You receive the user registration message at the email you declared at registration time.

In case you did not receive this message, please check one of the following:

  1. Check if the procedure was fully completed at your web browser and there are no messages regarding missing data or malformed information (a relevant message appears on top of the screen).
  2. Check that you have provided the intended email account.
  3. Check the SPAM folder of your email account, in case your mail provider filtered out the Heyday Road mail address.

In case none of the previous have occurred, please contact us using the provided contact form of our site   

How much is the Heyday Road Ultra Marathon entry fee?


The basic entry fee (BEF) for the Ultra Marathon from Sparta to Ancient Olympia is one hundred and ninety euro (€160) and for the Ultra Marathon from Sparta to Megalopolis is one hundred euro (€80).

Includes participation in the race, t-shirt, medal and gift of local products.

Note: It doesn’t include any transportation from Athens to Sparta and back.

In addition, soon there will be options for separate transportation and accommodation packages, which you ll be able to purchase according to your needs - in designated hotels and apartments - for an additional fee.

It is payable via bank transfer and credit card (visa & Mastercard).

NOTE: VISA and Mastercard payments will be available in due course.